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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Bins and Collection Days

Waste and Recycling
Bins and Collection Days

The Waste Guide (PDF 1MB) has a detailed list of everything that can go into your general waste and recycling bins.

Green and red lid bin

General Waste Bin (Green or Red Lid)

The general waste bin is collected weekly. It is for your waste that can’t be recycled or reused.

  • food scraps
  • garden organics
  • nappies and hygiene products
  • polystyrene and long-life cartons
  • soft plastic and packaging (e.g. lolly wrappers, bread bags, bubble wrap)
  • plastic bottle lids
  • damaged clothing, shoes, crockery and toys
  • coffee cups and takeaway cups.
  • clean recyclables
  • construction or building materials^
  • household hazardous waste^
  • electronic waste (e-waste) or batteries^
  • gas bottles^
  • liquids or hot ash
  • oils^

^ these items can be disposed of at the Ranford Road Resource Recovery and Waste Transfer Station (RRWTS). Visit the RRWTS page to learn more.

Yellow lid recycling bin

Recycling Bin (Yellow Lid)

The yellow lid recycling bin is for your recyclable items, which are reprocessed into new products. These items must be loose (not bagged), clean and empty.

The yellow lid bin is collected fortnightly. Enter your address above to learn when your next collection date is.

  • aluminium and steel cans (rinsed)
  • glass bottles and jars (rinsed and lids removed)
  • plastic bottles and containers (rinsed and lids removed)
  • paper (clean and not shredded)
  • cardboard (flattened and clean).

  • recycling in bags (all items must be placed loose in the bin)
  • soft plastics (e.g. lolly wrappers, bread bags, bubble wrap)
  • polystyrene or meat trays
  • nappies
  • clothes or other textiles
  • food or garden organics
  • aerosol cans^
  • electronic waste (e-waste) or batteries^
  • dirty food containers or pizza boxes
  • coffee cups and takeaway cups
  • long-life cartons (foil lined).

^ these items can be disposed of at the Ranford Road Resource Recovery and Waste Transfer Station (RRWTS). Visit the RRWTS page to learn more.

Putting your bins out for collection

  • Place bins on the kerb by 6am on collection day.
  • The maximum weight of each bin is 70kg.
  • Avoid overfilling to ensure lid can close.
  • Ensure there is 0.5 metre gap between your bins.
  • Keep a 1 metre gap between your bin and trees, cars, fences and other items.
A graphic that says - Putting your bins out for collection. Place bins on kerb by 6am on collection day. Maximum weight is 70kg for each bin. Avoid overfilling. 1m from trees. 0.5m between bins. 1m for cars, fence and other items.

How do I sort my waste?

We’ve put together a handy guide to help you with sorting your waste into the correct bins. The guide is available in 18 languages.

Issues and requests

Do you have a bin issue or request? We are here to help. Please select from the following options:

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