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The City’s Request It and payment system will be unavailable between 7pm Friday 21 February and 3am Saturday 22 February.

The outage is to perform scheduled system maintenance. Some website pages and functions will also be unavailable during this time. If you need to contact us urgently, please call 1300 422 664.

Our Natural Environment

Our natural environment is precious and needs protection. Find out what you can do to look after it and see what steps the City is taking.


Water efficiency measures and water sensitive design are important in reducing pressures on water supply and availability, and to support urban cooling.
Learn more

Gardening and Biodiversity

Spending time in nature is good for us, with research showing that it improves our mental and physical health. Growing your own food, and planting native waterwise plants can help improve the wellbeing of your family and of local wildlife.
Learn more


Climate change has led to a decline in rainfall and increase in temperature in Perth, a trend projected to continue. When combined with increasing water consumption, this is putting pressure on Perth’s water supply and availability. Additionally, flash flooding events are predicted to become more frequent and severe.

This makes water efficiency measures and water sensitive design important. They will help to reduce these pressures and support urban cooling. 

  1. Use the Water Corporations online tool to compare how waterwise your household is compared to your neighbourhood.
  2. Borrow a home water audit kit free of charge.
  3. Use Water Corporations online leak detection tool.
  4. Purchase waterwise products. Aim for appliances with a WELS star rating of 4 or more.
  5. While waiting for water to heat up, collect cold water in a bucket and use it to water the garden or fill up a drinking water jug.
  6. Keep showers to under 4 minutes by using a timer or picking a song from Water Corporations waterwise shower songs playlist.
  7. Remember the three Ps – only toilet paper, pee and poo down the toilet. Learn what not to flush.
  8. Only use your sprinklers on your allocated watering days before 9am or after 6pm.
  9. Check your irrigations efficiency with this handy guide and switch off over winter or if rain is predicted.
  10. Apply soil wetter, compost and mulch to garden beds to improve moisture retention. Add clay to sandy soils.
  11. Learn how to be Fertilise Wise.
  12. Keep wildlife, rivers and wetlands healthy by picking up rubbish and dog poo, using fishing line bins and not feeding wildlife.
  13. Look for waterwise rebates and offers from Water Corporation and Switch Your Thinking.
  14. Learn more ways to reduce your water use from Switch Your Thinking and the City’s Build Smart Live Smart Guide (PDF 1.2MB).
  15. Be prepared for extreme weather events.

Water Sensitive Cities Vision

In May 2018, Council endorsed a Vision for a Water Sensitive Canning. This Vision provides direction on improving the City’s water sensitivity. Work is underway to develop strategies and actions to achieve the Vision, and there will be opportunities for the Canning community to be involved.

Water Management Strategy

The Water Management Strategy (PDF 14MB) provides a framework for the achievement of better water management outcomes, consistent with the overall vision and objectives of the City. The objectives include:

  • recognise the ecological, social and cultural importance of water
  • respond to the needs of the environment and community
  • educate and inform the community
  • promote innovative approaches to water management
  • protect and restore water quality, hydrological and ecological function of wetlands, waterways and groundwater systems
  • reduce water use overall and promote ‘fit-for purpose’ use of all available water resources
  • deliver functional and sustainable public open spaces.

Waterwise Council

The Waterwise Council Program is a collaboration between the Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. The program supports local governments to improve water efficiency in Council operations and community activities.

The City of Canning has been accredited as a Waterwise Council since 2017 and is proud to be endorsed as a Gold Waterwise Council every year since 2018. This highlights our drive to improve liveability outcomes across the water cycle and help create a water sensitive city.

In 2019, the City of Canning was recognised as a Platinum Waterwise Council, the Waterwise Council of the year. To be recognised, councils must go beyond water efficiency and build sensitive water management into business as usual operations.

As part of being a Gold Waterwise Council, the Water Corporation proudly co-funds our street tree planting program and waterwise demonstration projects through the Waterwise Greening Scheme.

Learn more by visiting the Waterwise Council Program website.


Gardening and Biodiversity

Spending time in nature is good for us, with research showing that it improves our mental and physical health. Trees and plants have many benefits including:

  • storing carbon dioxide
  • reducing air temperatures
  • absorbing water to help reduce the risk of flooding
  • providing food, water and shelter for local wildlife
  • removing pollutants from rain runoff before it flows into our waterways
  • contributing to the health and wellbeing of our community.

Gardening for productivity is a great way to save money on groceries, reduce waste and improve your wellbeing by growing your own food at home.

Gardening for biodiversity helps to provide local wildlife with food, water and shelter. Our region is one of the most ecologically diverse places on the planet, however land clearing is resulting in habitat and species loss.

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