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Safe Canning Strategy

Community safety is everyone's responsibility.

The Safe Canning Strategy (PDF 4MB) (the Strategy) provides the guiding structure for how the City will enhance community safety. It was developed following community and stakeholder consultation. Local crime statistics and demographics were also analysed. The Strategy is supported by the Safe Canning Strategy: Action Plan (PDF 1.2MB) (the Plan).

These documents highlight the City’s ongoing commitment to strengthen communities and partnerships. The goal is to:

  • improve safety
  • target crime and antisocial behaviour
  • address the issues that underpin crime and safety in our community.

To support this the City releases an annual Community Safety Survey. The survey captures current safety concerns and changes in local crime trends, which helps with keeping the Plan up-to-date.

Download the Safe Canning Strategy: Community Safety Report Card 2024 (PDF 17MB) for latest achievements and statistics.

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Ongoing feedback and input is essential for ensuring the City is addressing current concerns.

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You can submit a comment anytime via the City’s Community Safety Engagement Portal.

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The Strategy will enable a broader and less rigid framework to guide the City’s ongoing community safety priorities. This flexible approach allows the City to meet current community priorities.

This is different from previous Community Safety and Crime Prevention plans. These plans had specific goals, actions, and success measures for a fixed term. This proved to be restrictive and didn’t provide the City with flexibility to meet emerging community safety issues.

The factors that impact community safety are not confined to any one given cause or area. It is a range of elements that together combine to influence safety outcomes, both positive and negative.

When looking back on previous plans and community safety surveys, there are recurring themes relating to:

  • People
  • Place
  • Partnerships

These are the City’s three focus areas. These areas capture the safety concerns important to the Canning community.

The Strategy provides the guiding structure for how the City will enhance community safety. It is supported by the Implementation Action Plan. This plan outlines the initiatives and programs the City will undertake.

The Plan and its ongoing review comprises several key steps, which together form the Safe Canning Strategy Cycle. The cycle will be an annual process to ensure our focus remains live and fluid.


A Community Safety Survey will be conducted annually. The survey provides a platform to seek ongoing community feedback and input.


Priority actions will be determined through consultation with the community and key stakeholders. Priorities will also be set based on changes in:

  • local crime trends
  • demographic and census data.


Actions will be assigned to one or more of the Plan’s focus areas (People, Place, Partnerships).


Community safety outcomes and successes will be promoted to the community via the City’s social media channels and the release of an annual Community Safety Report Card.

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