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WA Food and Beverage Alliance

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WA Food and Beverage Alliance

The WA Food and Beverage Alliance (WAFBA) established by the City of Canning and Shire of Murray is dedicated to recognising and developing the agrifood industry as a key economic driver.

By promoting industry unity, securing funding, advocating for the sector, and facilitating strategic alliances, WAFBA aims to enhance the global competitiveness of WA’s agrifood businesses.

The Alliance will be hosting events throughout the year and have meaningful discussions with industry leaders.

Latest event update

Aimed at supporting and advancing the WA agrifood industry, the City of Canning hosted an afternoon focussed around food and beverage on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

Kicking off with the WA Food and Beverage Alliance’s (WAFBA) annual leader’s roundtable, bringing together key stakeholders from across the agrifood industry to discuss strategic initiatives and collaborative opportunities. Underpinning the importance of the agrifood sector as a vital economic driver.

The event was hosted at the City of Canning by CEO Michael Littleton and Mayor Patrick Hall, guests included:

  • Dr Ir Kasan, Head of Trade Policy Agency – Indonesian Ministry of Trade, and delegates.
  • Paul Isaachsen, representing the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on behalf of the Minister.
  • Businesses – Cooperative Bulk Handling, Market West, Tetra Pak, Natraplas and Bailey Brewing
  • State and Local Government – City of Wanneroo, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, and Future Food Systems CRC.
  • Business News.
5 people standing together in a line

This exciting event included:

  • A Welcome to Country provided by Tina Hayden.
  • Scaling Up WA’s food and beverage sector event presented by Greg Reibe, ScaleUp WA.
  • Keynote speeches from:
    • Hon. Jack Jarvis MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Small Business.
    • Dr Kasan, Head of the Trade Policy Agency, Indonesian Ministry of Trade.
    • Boris Wong, Manager of Business, Strategy and Advocacy at City of Canning on behalf of WAFBA.
  • Panel discussion of food and beverage business owners, sharing what is crucial to their growth and success, what they see as the greatest opportunities for the sector going forward, and what they believe is required to take advantage of them. Panellists included:
    • James Young of Old Young’s Distillery and Kitchen
    • Mei Young of Turban Chopsticks and My Plant.Co
    • Jay Albany of Dirty Clean Food
The 3 panellists named above presenting to a room full of people.

The City of Canning is grateful for the active participation of all attendees from government and industry. A special thanks to Dr Kasan and his team for visiting WA to participate in the discussion and the Minister Hon. Jack Jarvis MLC for providing a keynote speech during the ScaleUp WA event.

The roundtable and ScaleUp WA event have set a clear path for strengthening our agrifood sector through innovation, collaboration, and international partnerships. Our focus on sustainable development and food security will continue to drive our efforts forward.

The event aligned with the Prosper theme of the City's Strategic Community Plan.

To find out more, email the City of Canning's Adam Castling – adam.castling@canning.wa.gov.au.

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